I am convinced that one of the biggest reasons many people do not seek recovery is the sheer terror and discomfort associated with detoxing from drugs and alcohol. Those fears are both reasonable and justified, especially for those who have gone without their drug of choice for an extended period, and with alcohol the withdrawal can be so extreme you can either go into a life-threatening seizure of have to find a drink as fast as possible to calm the writhing nerves.
I have experienced the insanity of an exceptionally long detox from prescription opioids, synthetic and non-synthetic. Years of addiction to Oxycontin and pharmaceutical Fentanyl offers up a detox with off the charts discomfort where your body aches so badly you would give anything to crawl into some comfortable skin.
As someone who has facilitated close to five hundred interventions over the past fourteen years it is critical to align the right level of care for the person seeking recovery. One of the wonderful things about Prospect Hill Recovery and Wellness Center is our ability to facilitate even the most acute levels of detox from drugs and alcohol.
This is where understanding (and good medicine) is vitally important. Prospect Hill maintains a 24/7 staff totally equipped to manage the withdrawal symptoms that arise in this early stage of recovery. Your well-being and comfort through this period is of paramount importance to all of us. At many treatment centers a voice is often overlooked and not addressed in a timely fashion, this will not happen at Prospect Hill.
We pay close attention to the symptoms you are experiencing, addressing your needs to allow you to rest with as little discomfort as possible. Detox meds serve a great purpose, our staff knows how to hold your hand through this challenging time with compassion and the highest level of professionalism.
Contact us at Prospect Hill to discuss customizing your treatment plan today.
#recoveryispossible #prospecthillrecoveryandwellnesscenter #luxuryrehab #drugandalcoholdetox #sobriety